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New posts Search forumsastrologyweekly forum You can’t get someone more obsessed than me: 55 years of study, written four manual for specialty work unpublished because publishers said the number of people who could use and understand them was under the number that was the smallest print run, ran a famous astrology forum 2002-2005, clients all over the world

00 USD Elsa 60 min Phone $160. This forum is NOT appropriate for confidential sharing and we strongly warn everyone that this is NOT an appropriate place to expect confidentiality. It already looks as if someone in the group is going to leave. Main Rulerships of 8th House = All matters relating to death, decay, fear, anxiety and loss. They also have a free on-line ephemeris. Hyleg is the 'Giver of Life', or the giver of Vitality. But your chart shows some of the problems you've mentioned. Premium Member. Also that unrequited love makes it impossible for a relationship to happen because maybe I (as the north node person) am not ready to embrace the other person's venus qualities. The Sun is conj. Vedic Astrology. Your comment about any planet at the cardinal points 0 degrees being effective is a very Uranian concept. 1911 Belfast, Ireland. The planet Venus is the brightest object shining in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. If it's strong, stay out of the relationship. Dana offers the computer reports, “Your Venus Unleashed” and “Moonprints,” a personalized report by mail that looks deeply into your birth Moonscape and the current positions of your lunar nature. . with little or no experience keen to learn by practice. I'm thrilled with this, because the planet at the apex of my natal T is Saturn in the 6th, who is also the ruler of the 7th. 11-03-2011 wilsontc (Senior Member, Moderator) Rating Thread / Thread Starter: Last Post: Replies: Views : Sticky: Generating Free Images or PDF for Vedic or K. g. Apr 27, 2023. Mar 11, 2010. Since I gather from your previous posts that you have a good grasp of parallels and how they function in. By:or stop posting to the Forum if you want to leave the Forum. on July 11, 2023, 07:39:37 AM. Astrology. Its important for anyone Mars/Saturn to not let things fester. Cancer, as a zodiac sign, holds ties to emotions, home, family, and domestic life. Last post Re: transits planet. If another planet is closer to the MC but close to the Sun it will bring the Sun in conj. . You need to really, really, really get in touch with what YOU really want, and the reason you incarnated on this planet to begin with. May 5th 1980, Marshal Josip Broz Tito, president of Yugoslavia, died three days before his 88th birthday. General Astrology. I must say it was very illuminating. Synastry is in the inter-aspects. I've been reading and watching content on Astrology since I. based on amateur, albeit well-meaning, astrological advice. Hence I request you all to give your valuable inputs on the same. 74K. New posts Post thread… Welcome! Please read the rules of the Astrology Weekly forum. Aug 19, 2011. Without closeness a relationship will not work. So without see the charts (we are all visual people here) it's hard to judge --The Moon person might find that Mars comes on a little too strong when times call for more sensitivity or moderation. Also, if this helps, his mars is in my 4th house. Check out the links provided below! Sports Astrology - Astrologers' Community The Jupiter/Saturn point is considered the Nuclear Clash point, and the Saturn/Chiron point is considered the Heartbreak Clash point. Sun is father, health, ego and ruler of fifth. So if you have any planets within a degree or two of 23'49" Cap, then Peacock is prominent in your chart. Declinations are derived from the latitude of Earth projected into the skies so planets in the same declination are in the same latitude over Earth. ’ I think it’s because of @sentR89day post about the lasagna he had at lunch today. Show only: Loading… Title. Until that moment, I had never felt so well understood and described. For interesting threads on celebrities' natal charts and lives, which provide an excellent educational opportunity for us all. us or learn from us. In her films, Jennifer projects a dry, aloof, complete detachment from natural emotion with a sense of great ease. Will they come to my show? Thread starter girlinthelobby; Start date 6 minutes ago; girlinthelobby Active member. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Prognoses, Solar Arc, Solar Return Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator. Uranus square Sun is death, but that assumes the aspect occurs on the 9/1, 1/4, 7/4 or 8/4 Axis. Apr 15, 2012. Once again I need to stress how much. cazimi Member. The family of one or both of you may play an important role in the relationship; family or domestic issues often come into sharp focus. It is not transparent who. George Will Makes Bold Prediction About Who Won't Be 2024 GOP Nominee. . Thread starter Bjorkstrand; Start date 12 minutes ago; Bjorkstrand Well-known member. I wouldn't describe myself as an expert, but I would place myself in the middle. If you are a female, your desire and tunrs on are not hand in hand with the type of man you attract. It is possible that there is a degree of parental control or opposition to them being able to come right out and express themselves freely. Search forums. What's new. What's new. Now for the technical term. 9th and 10th ruler is saturn in 6th, he said that it means i've been poisoned by william lilly. Venus square Saturn. Neptune in mysterious and also confusing. If a planet conjunct the south node is also retrograde and/or in detriment (which your sun is not), then it's even more so. However, the moon also clashes with Pluto, forcing us to face opposition, enemies, or overwhelming emotions. I enjoy talking about Mundane Astrology and how it relates to current & past events. Ron DeSantis (R) will win the GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential election. Long-distance / long-term travel - 9th house transits, 9th house ruler, Jupiter transits to natal planets. two weeks ago i started my first day of work at my dream job. For as long as I can remember, people have been trying to find planetary aspects and placements for beauty in an attempt to find a beauty 'formula' in a chart. There's love alternating with irritation, cooling-off and distance from each other. The Solar Return doesn't tell if you will meet someone. Good afternoon, everyone. E. Daily Horoscopes for all signs. It's the life area of sexuality, since merging with another is a kind of death. Others will suggest the same and include Chiron, Nessus, and Pholus. The Pre natal New Moon Eclipse is a most important New Moon due to the fact it is also an eclipse. Long-distance / long-term travel - 9th house transits, 9th house ruler, Jupiter transits to natal planets. Well said, I agree All solar returns (and natal charts) are about ‘potential’ as is the natal chart, but we don’t always fulfil our potential, whether it’s due to ‘other people or unforeseen circumstances’ or a choice of two things and maybe possibly making different choices meant you didn’t fulfil that potential in this Solar return. When these things are put into active terms they represent actions, reactions, and "processing. Also look at the Sun and Saturn as natual significators for the Father. 3050 Topics. Thread starter cazimi; Start date Apr 20, 2016; C. Mercury square or opposition Uranus. Hello all!! I’m Lai. 2. I wonder if someone has some experience with these particular house overlays with another person. 2. Mars the planet of Muscle and physical strength. A place to discuss yours and others' birth charts (after you post your own birth chart interpretation). Scorpio's desperately need steady, loyal, consistent loving from their mate. g. #1. Our astrology website has a lot of Astrology Weekly Forum Horary information. Venus goes retrograde once every 20 months, for a duration of 42 days, meaning we will have to wait until July 23, 2023, for it to impact the daily lives of each of the 12 zodiac signs. New posts Search forums. If it's strong, stay out of the relationship. New posts New profile posts Latest activity. The progressed MC shows us in what way your status or condition is changing. I am blessed with the fact that my parents pay for my college education and healthcare, and I can generally afford all I need for my basic security (clothes. #2. hi astrology weekly forum. Forums. it is counter-productive to scare yourself with possibly dire astrological predictions. Go. Do your best to focus more on being present and. Both moons trine each other's neptune (again my orbs are tighter) Tight north node opposition in cancer/cap. Welcome to our community! Feel free to introduce yourself. theV. Rebel Uranian said: From what I've heard, mental issues mostly come from afflicted Moon/Mercury and certain aspects with Uranus. 1; 2; 3. very attractive. Talk about your experience with solar returns in predictive astrology. Personally I don't think it makes a difference whether you look at aspects of 51, 102, or 154 degrees. Apr 1, 2010. Yeah, good luck on getting a solid answer on this one as opinions very. (Some might also count an opposition - so planets within 1 to 2 degrees of 23'49" Cancer. LEO Jul 23-Aug 22. . I enjoy talking about Mundane Astrology and how it relates to current & past events. In your case solar arc sun is aspecting by hard aspect to venus. dr. You are nervous, restless, somewhat arrogant and very particular in your tastes and choices. This is the place to go if you are new to astrology and interested in building your astrological knowledge. But the forum rules require you to attempt an interpretation yourself before we assist/give our opinion. The trine, sextile, conjunction, parallel, and mutual reception between the significators indicate a favorable outcome unless the significators are so weak or afflicted by other planets that they are almost powerless. I hope you all find it useful. Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) Libra (Sep 23. (Note: Typically, traditional astrology is defined as using techniques developed prior to 1700 by astrologers from the Hellenistic, Persian, Hebrew, and Renaissance eras. Eating disorders would probably be Jupiter and Venus. But I don't know how he sees me or if the feeling is mutual. 1912. 89 Topics. You are Scorpio ascendant Virgo. GL. The Part of Fortune does trine Jupiter, Chiron in Cancer in the 7th and Pluto in Scorpio in the 10th, widely sextile Saturn, Neptune and Vesta in the 1st, and quintile Uranus rising. Plus we have a good search feature,[but not foolproof obviously, so try here first] bit like google using keywords – initially select advanced and try just selecting 'titles' rather than posts or you. Noel Tyl Essays. This aspect makes for an outgoing, hot headed, energetic, and combative nature. Hi, I've been looking at this forum even before I registered, and someone in some thread recommended the astro. Hello Everyone, I have created a FREE natal chart calculator tool. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Recently I heard someone say that they use whole sign and it works better. I am totally convinced Vesta plays a great role in synastry, though it also reveals a lot about your relationship to sexuality. 1911 Belfast, Ireland. Chat. That would be Aspectology, which isn't Astrology either. No one is required to read any chart request and it is greatly appreciated if people who have chart requests acknowledge those who were kind enough to answer their request. , "X will win Y game" WITHOUUT giving the astrology behind it WILL HAVE THEIR POSTS REMOVED. . General Astrology. or stop posting to the Forum if you want to leave the Forum. Includes psychological and relocation astrology, houses, aspects, and planetary dignity and debility. They may draw people to them easily, which in that case may override any physical flaws. Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:38 pm. Log in Register. With medical advice you need to be extremely proficient and very careful about what you say. Menu Log in Register Home. Jun 13, 2006. Hi guys, thanks so much to anyone who commented on the River Phoenix thread, and inspired by Julia Karmic Astrology I´d like to ask for your opinions on his brother´s chart. Well-known member. For discussions on Traditional Astrology only. Astrologers' Community - Powered by vBulletin Please read the rules of the Astrology Weekly forum. New posts New profile posts Latest activity. Check it out. 293; Next. Forums. with their astrological services, as this forum does not undertake any responsibility for any astrological services, especially those offered against a fee, via this forum in any form: through public forums or chat, private messages or emails. E. I for one find tsmall to be remarkably kind, intelligent, sensitive and fair. Free answers to many kinds of chart reading questions can easily be found. 00 USD Elsa 30 min Email $80. Vedic Astrology Readings. Take note only if Venus aspects Saturn natally. Welcome! Introduce Yourself and Your Astrology Background . After they click submit, it will output all the planetary positions for signs, houses, Black Moon, and North Node. Raped by my bf under drug influence So i dated this older guy which is 25 years older than me, our relationship was only one and a half month since we knew each other till the end There is a possibility that i fell head over heels towards him because he introduced me to my first love drug. Forums. . Traditional astrology relates the eighth house to crisis, hidden matters anguish of mind. Jan 17, 2016. Aug 5, 2011. I feel wrong when I'm not with a lot. Here, we embark on a journey to uncover the fascinating connections between celestial bodies and the. Search. JUPITERASC. com (Astrodienst)A number of us that work with the only true set of Degree symbols that we recognize as being valid and have proven it through dozens of verifiable examples posted within this astrologyweekly forum are the Sabian Symbols and they have proven to us that the Part of Fortune [day formula only at all times only, please] is symbolically what the. In the 8th house, themes of transformation, death, money, inheritences,etc. New Member. #3. with their astrological services, as this forum does not undertake any responsibility for any astrological services, especially those offered against a fee, via this forum in any form: through public forums or chat, private messages or emails.